Saturday, November 15, 2008


Hi Everyone,

Holidays and food go hand in hand. Sometimes we think more about the food than the people. We think Thanksgiving - pumpkin pie, stuffing, gravy, etc. instead of family, friends and fun.

Food is always important - we came to Weight Watchers to learn how to fit in the foods we love and still lose weight and keep it off. So when we come to a holiday we need to ask ourselves some questions:

What will I eat? You need to ask yourself - what is my favorite food at this celebration. What is the food that if I miss I will think it wasn't Thanksgiving. Then you have to plan your day to fit this food in. Maybe if I need the pumpkin pie, I can forgo the cheese and crackers. If it is the stuffing, than maybe I can eat mashed potatoes another day.

How much will I eat? How will I control my portions. Start by making sure to eat breakfast. Skipping meals can lead to being too hungry and overeating.
When filling your plate with food, plan to see some of your plate between each food. Eating slowly and focusing on the conversation at the table can help you to feel fuller. Stop, rest, assess. Am I hungry, or Am I just eating?

Remember we all get to eat again tomorrow!!!

Try this Pumpkin Fluff.

Pumpkin Fluff 4 servings - 2 points each

1 15oz can pumpkin
1 tsp pumpkin spice
1 box vanilla or butterscotch sugar free pudding
Mix the above ingredients with a hand mixer

Fold in 1 cup fat free Cool Whip

Divide into 4 servings

See you at the meeting!!!!!



HerMajesty00 said...

Lorraine I am always trying to come up with fun WW treats for the kids. I am going out today to get some pumpkin and try this. THanks

Prazr said...

Hi Lorraine:

At my meeting here at home our leader gave us a list of common foods we would eat at Thanksgiving and a paper plate to write out what we were going to eat and how much it would cost in points. Most of us came out with 20pts. It was suggested that we could put the paper plate under our dinner plate to refer to if need be. Great idea!

Carol from Boston, attended your meeting during the summer